Monday, November 3, 2014

Spruce Up Your Space with Knex Storage Options!

Yesterday, I decided to start organizing my new craft room. As many of you know, I work mainly with remnants when I sew. This gave me a great idea! I made storage cubes to house my remnants. The awesome thing about it is that I can add more cubes. Not only that, but if you were so inclined to buy canvas storage bins/cubes, they would fit pretty well.

I am so excited that I can finally see all my fabrics without having to rifle through them or have them all sprawled out across the floor. The storage cubes will work great for lighter items, but I didn't construct them for heavier items. Of course, it could be reinforced to accommodate heavy objects.

Have an idea for a build? Please, let me know!

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K'nex Shadowbox for Small Gaming Characters

For a while now, my husband has been wanting a shadowbox or display case for his gaming action figures. I was going to buy him one for his ...