Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kitchen Organizing with K'nex: Lid Holder

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted a new build. I was on vacation for almost two weeks this month. My hubby and I took an Alaskan cruise, and I loved every minute of it! But you didn't come here to read about that, so let's get down to business.

I am continuing to find ways to organize my kitchen using knex. Over the past couple days, I have been trying to make a holder for the lids for my pots and pans. I have two different sets of lids, so it was a little tricky finding the right combination of parts, but I think I've finally got it. I plan to put this in the cupboard right up against the edge, and then I can stack my pots up next to it!

Also, I do run out of ideas for builds every now and again, so if you've got anything you'd like to see knex-ified, let me know! =D


  1. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease 🥺❤️

  2. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease 🥺❤️ add some instructions


K'nex Shadowbox for Small Gaming Characters

For a while now, my husband has been wanting a shadowbox or display case for his gaming action figures. I was going to buy him one for his ...