Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knex Costumes and Accessories: Minion Costume

With Halloween hot on our heels, I am starting a series about costuming and accessorizing using K'nex. What's that? You've never even considered using K'nex as part of your costume? Never fear! I'll give you some ideas of traditional and non-traditional ways to use them!

First up, my costume from last year: A minion costume. This costume was a hybrid of K'nex and Fabric. I made the infrastructure using K'nex. I would classify this as a non-traditional use of K'nex, but it was really nifty! Knex work well as a structural component to costumes. If you need a specific shape for your costume and don't know how to achieve it using cardboard or other materials.

Let me apologize for the quality of these pictures. I wasn't planning on using them as a tutorial for others at the time. However, they will give a good frame of reference for how I approached the build.

The eye

A view from the top

The whole body structure

This build required two things: a way to put the costume on as well as the structural support needed to support the fabric overlay. I left the opening at the bottom. It was hard to get into, but not impossible. I just required a little bit of help getting it on. :P 

Here is the completed project:

All in all, the project took quite a lot time, but it turned out just how I wanted!

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