Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Knex Knitting Loom

This is for all you crafty people out there! I was inspired to make a knitting loom when I saw a knex rainbow loom. Well, since I am not interested much in making bracelets, I decided it'd be fun to make a loom for scarves and such! It took me a few tries to create one that wouldn't buckle under pressure, but I think this one should work quite splendidly! As you can see, I've already started knitting a scarf on it using two different colors of yarn. The grey connector there is handy in keeping the yarn taut if I leave my work for a little while. Now, this one is only 18 pegs (9 on each side), but it could be made longer or shorter. I got a set of loom knitting tools, a needle and a hook, that are perfect for this loom. The hook works well because the k'nex already has built in grooves to help get up under the yarn. I may have to try and make a round loom at some point. ^_^

I will try to post the finished product once it's complete! =)

K'nex Shadowbox for Small Gaming Characters

For a while now, my husband has been wanting a shadowbox or display case for his gaming action figures. I was going to buy him one for his ...